10 Side Hustle Ideas That Can Make You Extra Money


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side hustle
Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

We can all agree that the 9-5 doesn’t cut it. We could all use some extra cushioning here and there. One sure way to make a few more notes a month is to start a side hustle. That notwithstanding, knowing what to do is as important as knowing how to do it. Here are ten side hustles worth considering. Remember, what may be suitable for one, might not work for another. Finding your niche is the real deal.

Drive for Uber

If you have the privilege of owning a drivers’ license, maybe it’s time to consider operating a drive hailing service like Uber, Bolt, etc. You can do this in your spare time or could even consider it full time.

Not having a car shouldn’t be a problem, you could drive for someone and earn on commission basis. If you own a car but do not have the time to drive it yourself, consider having someone operate it and get your share of the earnings. Uber also allows you to rent a car from one of their partners for which you pay rental fees for as long as you keep it.

Sell Online

Technology has shoved everything we can think of into our hands.

All it takes is a touch of a screen and your shopping is done.

You can leverage on this and start selling goods online. There are several options when it comes to this. Creating a website and listing your products is one of them. There is also the option of using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Etsy and others to sell your stuff. 

Learn Forex Trading

Forex trading has become more popular in recent times.

More and more people are using it as a platform to earn extra income. The popular but wrong opinion is that forex is a way to get rich quick. It isn’t. Just like anything else, you need to set aside time to truly learn how it works before you commit any money to it. It’s basically selling money for money, but studying the market is key.

If this is an avenue to wish to venture, do your research.

Learn a Skill and Freelance

Freelancers are becoming the future of work because companies with little capital who cannot afford a full time role rely on freelancers to get certain things done. Skills such as copywriting, website development, ghostwriting, video editing and a host of others are in high demand.

Sites like Fiverr allow freelancers to sell their services for money. With a good profile, you would be earning extra money in no time. All you need is to dedicate a few hours to it.

Offer in-person services

Consider services such as hairdressing, barbering, massages, pedicure, manicure, personal training, etc. These are things some people would rather access from the comfort of their homes. If you have an interest in any of these, you could learn, perfect it and find your clients.

These are things that are often done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, so rest assured there will always be money waiting to slide into your pockets.

Start a blog

In this current age where information is the real currency, all you need is internet connection and something to say.

Blogging is a good side hustle to earn extra $$.

You could consider a niche blog that focuses on a specific topic of interest, a news blog, or just a general blog where you share random thoughts on various topics. Create good content that people would want to read, build an audience, monetize it and start stashing the cash.

Start a YouTube Channel

Maybe writing isn’t your thing, but if you are good at talking and convincing people, then YouTube is the way to go. Create quality videos that would either entertain, educate or simply be of interest to people.

The key to succeeding in the YouTube business though is that your video must be easy to watch, It would help if you invest in learning how to edit videos well. Once you are able to establish your audience, you would be on your way to earning in no time.

Become a Delivery Driver

Delivery driving/riding is a side hustle that is in high demand. It usually only takes a few minutes to have something delivered. If you have the means of transporting the item, it’s probably time to consider delivering for money.

Become an Influencer

Who knew the power models would be delegated to almost anyone willing to take up the task. With the good social media following and interaction, you could set yourself up as an influencer.

How this works is that companies would be willing to pay you to advertise their products. Be it clothes, skincare products, food, the list is endless. Influencers are making it big because of TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Find a platform you are comfortable with, build your brand and let the money find you.

Become a Friend

Now saving the usual for the last. This side hustle might sound bizarre to you but Rentafriend allows you to make extra money by simply being a friend to someone who needs it. You might want to check it out.

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