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simple ways to upgrade yourself
Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash

We all aspire to be better versions of ourselves in one way or the other. The people who are highly valued in society are those who bring a lot to the table. Most times the willingness to become better is highly present, yet we are not certain of what exactly to do to upgrade ourselves. Here are some simple but effective ways to become a better version of yourself;

Learn a new language

Language is the one thing that sets people apart. The more languages you know, the better you can express yourself and interact with people from different parts of the world. Being able to speak a foreign language also boosts your confidence and improves your social currency.

You do not need to dedicate your whole day everyday to learning a new language. Just thirty minutes of practice a day can put you years ahead in less than six months.

An app like Duolingo teaches over 41 languages for free. Some of which include French, Spanish, German, Japanese, etc. Decide on which language you would like to learn and get down to it. You will notice a difference in your life in no time.

Learn a new skill

As the world transforms, new skills are emerging and you must try to be in tune with the times. The skills you have now may not serve you fully in the near future. Learning new skills makes you indispensable and an asset. Be it soft skills like communication, organization, social networking, or professional skills in your line of work. You must always be on your feet and learn more.

Thanks to the internet, all you need is dedication and time to upgrade your skillset. The people who are highly valued are those who can put in the work when duty calls. Make yourself indispensable. Start learning a new skill today.

Read more books

Image by Prasanna-Kumar on Unsplash

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. You would be surprised how better you will be able to express yourself once you start reading frequently. Avid readers are considered better thinkers and better communicators. Reading will open your mind to new ideas and worlds beyond your imagination.

If you are not a reader by habit, start slow, read a few sentences each day till you can begin to read paragraphs, pages, chapters, etc. Just like any new habit, it might seem hard in the beginning but you will be grateful you did it. You will be ahead of a large number of the world population who do not read. 

Cultivate a habit of gratitude

Worrying and complaining are an inherent part of human nature. We often overlook all the good things in our lives and focus on the few things that are not working.

Cultivating a habit of gratitude makes you see things from a different perspective. You begin to appreciate and cherish the little things in life.

The biggest cause of human problems is our perpetual want for more. More of everything. The sad truth is we can never have enough. Till we are dead, we will continue to chase more and want more. The few people who are able to adopt an attitude of gratitude end up having an easier life. They understand that the magic is not in having more but making the most of what you have and being grateful for it. Start being grateful for everything and see how magically your life transforms.

Redefine your circle

Your life is defined by those you associate yourself with. You might think if you worked on yourself exclusively and not let them influence you, it wouldn’t matter. The truth however is that no matter how diligent you are, you will end up like the people you spend the most time with.

The people you follow on social media, the people you hangout with, those you chat with all the time. They are the ones that determine what trajectory your life takes. If you want to stay motivated, hang out with the motivated. If you want to be successful, be around people who are on the same path. Your friends do not have to be rich, but it all boils down to their mindset.

It’s easy to win when the people around you are aspiring to win too. Take a look at the people around you and decide if they are the ones that will get you where you are going. If their attitudes do not support the kind of life you are working towards, then it’s time to step back and find the right circle. Upgrading your circle will automatically upgrade your life.

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