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Image by Peter H from Pixabay

You know those moments when you feel like you have no control over your life? Everything seems to be getting out of control and you wonder why you can’t get anything done or achieve anything meaningful. You would be surprised even those who appear so organized suffer that too. Most times, the main culprit is having too many things going on in your life at a time. The best way to regain control is to get rid of the things taking space in your mind. Time to declutter your life. Follow these straightforward steps and take back your power.

Control the amount of time you spend on social media.

Social media is essential, no doubt! But if your entire life is built around it, then we have a problem. Unless you’re a fulltime influencer(even they need to moderate the amount of time they spend on it). Doctors and scientists have proven that too much screen time releases dopamine in the brain, which can negatively affect impulse control. It gradually kills the brain’s natural ability to produce dopamine(the hormone responsible for happiness). That is what causes addiction; the fact that you cannot be happy when you are offline. You find yourself constantly scrolling to satisfy that crave. This addiction normally has a huge impact on your entire life;

  1. You become unproductive
  2. Your cognitive function begins to decline
  3. You miss the chance on being actively present in your own life

Limit the amount of time you spend on social apps. If your screen time is an average of 6 hours a day, try reducing it to three and probably work it down some more with time. You’ll realize how other aspects of your life improve just because you are spending less time on your phone.

Give away things you don’t need

One key reason minimalism is becoming common among certain individuals is the huge impact it has on the mind and life in general. According to Chuck Palahniuk, the things you own end up owning you. Owning less means you have less to think about and even less to control you. This doesn’t mean you should give out all your possessions. However, it helps a great deal when you give out things you have no use for. Hoarding is a habit most people struggle with. Giving away some things makes you feel better because you are doing a good deed, and it equally helps you declutter your life.

Cut toxic people off

There are people who have a problem with this phrase. They ride on the idea that burning bridges comes back to haunt you in the future. Truth is, sometimes for you to have peace of mind, some people must go. There are people who taint your vibe with constant negative energy. There are others who hate to see you happy so they constantly try to frustrate you. Not to mention constant naggers, those who keep you doubting your self worth and plainly make life a living hell. The best reward you can give yourself is cutting ties with such people and moving on with your life. 

Do something you’ve been putting away for so long

Procrastination! Contrary to popular belief, procrastinators aren’t lazy people. They simply lack the zeal and push to take action. That however does not rule out the fact that it is a deadly habit that constantly keeps your life cluttered. Soaking the dishes till morning means that you have to rush through your morning routine to get to work early. If you want your life to get easier, practice doing things right away. That is one sure way to declutter your life. If it can be done within 30 minutes, never save it for later. It’s easier said than done, but until you start doing things right away, life will forever be messy.


Meditation is the easiest yet most difficult thing to do. Our lives demand that we are in constant motion. We never stop to breathe, take a look at the sky or feel the sand under our feet. The world is constantly dragging us and there seems to be no room for our mind to rest.

You’ve got to make that room.

Whether it is at the start of the day or before you retire to bed, you must make time to still your mind. Think of nothing and let your senses take over. Breathe in and out, hear the wind, and let your mind become one with your body. Meditation makes you realize that the things you worry so much about aren’t problems after all. It helps you develop a sound mind and strengthen your ability to stay calm in stressful situations. Life can be a mess. The right way to navigate it is to control your mind at all times.

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