Five Tips on Being a Good Decision Maker


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life is all about making decisions

When you look back on the patterns of your life, you will realize that every decision you made or had someone make for you have led you to where you are right this moment. Reading this is as a result of you deciding to see what this link is about. It is therefore baffling to hear people say “I didn’t have a choice” when they are trapped in unfortunate situations. The truth is we all have the power to make a choice that will lead us somewhere at every point in time. Now, when people hold back from making a good decision, it is either because they do not know what they want or they were unable to predict how well that decision is going to serve them. Good decision making is a skill every millennial must learn to be able to make a headway in this world. Here are five ways to become a good decisionmaker

1. Know what you want.

The first step in the decision-making process is identifying your goal. Life is filled with so many possibilities. It’s easy to imagine yourself becoming so many things at a time, but it doesn’t work like that. You have to decide on something and go after it. Sure, you can decide to go after everything at once but chances are you will end up with nothing. Knowing what you want and what you seek to achieve will make decision making much easier and life is good when you are making the right choices and decisions.

2. Put yourself first.

As selfish as this might sound, it is the rule to making the best decisions. When we are stuck in a position where the right choice or decision will be a disadvantage to a friend or relative, we tend to back down and call it a sacrifice. Well, the thing is that friend or relative also has a choice to say no, you go first, you take that job, whatever it is you’re trying to decide on, but they won’t. So why will you want to be the sacrificial lamb. Not to say sacrifices aren’t a good thing, but then again it boils down to how bad you want the result and what you are willing to sacrifice for it. Everyone is selfish, every act of selflessness has a motive behind it. Some people are nice because they want to make it to heaven or because it honors their moral values, others because they like someone(remember, performing an act of sacrifice for someone they like makes them feel good about themselves) so really, everyone is selfish. You might as well make the decision that will serve you well.

3. Be brave enough to live with the consequences of your decisions.

There is always that wonder about the road not taken. You settle with a partner and you catch yourself wondering what it would have been like if it had worked out between you and someone else. You settle for a job and start wondering if you would have been happier at the other place you rejected. We face tons of these dilemmas we everyday. That is the mystery of life. You must learn to be content and dedicated to the choices you make else you will find yourself always going back and never making any progress in life.

4. Worry less about other people’s opinions.

There is a cliché that opinions are like noses, everybody has one. People will always have something to say no matter what you do so why make that your problem? Millions of people have held back from living their dreams because they feared what others might think of them. Well, this life is moving fast and we’ll be out of here soon so why not decide to go for the things you truly want? Learn to tell people to back off and see how massive your life will change. A little rebellion goes a long way.

5. Learn to live with indecision.

As contradictory as this might sound, there will come a time when you will not know which road to take. That’s okay. Reach out to a trusted person and let them guide you. Postpone those decisions that can afford to wait and make them when your mind is made up. Never rush into making a decision until you have had the chance to think it through thoroughly.
Well, fact is it always boils down to what you decide to do, so you might as well do you. Go be a Wild Millennial!

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