How To Stay Consistent at Anything


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Sometimes our visions are so big and the plan to achieve them is so clear, but one thing holds us back; the struggle to stay consistent. We end up in a one-step-forward-five-steps-back cycle and we start to lose hope. Here is how to tackle inconsistency and achieve those milestones.

Develop a Daily Routine

The habits we have now did not just come about. Think of brushing your teeth everyday, taking a shower in the morning, etc. We practice those habits because they have been part of our daily routine since we were young. Our mind finds it easy to do those things because they are part of who we are. Creating new routines and practicing them over a period of time will help achieve consistency in the areas we wish to improve. If keeping fit is the goal, then adding an hour of gym time to your daily routine will help you stay consistent. That way, you wouldn’t have to struggle to make it work. Your mind knows that working out is part of the things you have to do for the day so it becomes easier to do it. With time, you wouldn’t have to think about the drudgery of it all, you just end up doing it. Same goes for everything else. If you want to be a writer, add writing for an hour daily to your routine. One key thing to know about routines is that the same thing must be done at the same time each day. If working out at 6pm works for you, stick to that. One way to develop a routine is to create a daily to-do list and stick with it. It takes away the guessing and keeps you focused.

Remove Distractions

Routine is such a great idea, but one thing that can be harmful to routines are distractions. Imagine you decide to write for an hour each day. You get started and decide you need to do some research. You grab your phone and somehow end up on Tik-Tok for an hour. The motive was true, but the approach was suicidal. When trying to stay consistent, get rid of any possible distractions; be it people or things. If you must lock yourself away to achieve that, do it. If one more episode of your favorite series will prevent you from doing what you need to do, then consider not watching it at all. When it comes to removing distractions, you must be ruthless.

Learn to Enjoy the Process

The thing that sucks about staying consistent is that most of the time, the action in question feels like a chore. You wish to become fit, but going to the gym is such a headache. Lifting weights is so tiring. True, but if you are to stay consistent, you have to start liking what you do and enjoying the process. Allow yourself to feel joy when you think about going to the gym. If you need to fake it, then fake it till you start to enjoy it. If you do not enjoy your routines, your life is bound to become one boring mess. That is one easy way to fall into depression very fast. 

Avoid Overthinking

When you set out to achieve something, there is the constant thought of ‘will I ever succeed at this?’. ‘Am I delusional to think I can do it?’. ‘Am I doing it right?’, and the list goes on and on. The only thing that matters is that you are doing it everyday. You are staying consistent and that is all you need. The thing about achieving milestones is that you don’t see the progress everyday, but with time, you realize you are far from where you started and that is where the magic lies. Do not overthink, just do it!

Evaluate Your Progress

One way to stay motivated is to find out how all the effort and hours you are putting in are paying off. Simple. Keep track of your progress. If the goal is to lose 5kg in six months, then check your weight monthly to see how that is coming along. Whatever you are aiming at, evaluate your progress over a period of time to help keep your motivation in good supply. 

3 Responses

  1. Fascinating read!

    An even shorter read would do, given our short attention span in this century. A VERY QUICK read to EASILY remember.

    Do you mind paragraphing, too?

    A 20 – 30 minutes Facebook live engagement with audience, for each release will help a lot. I reckon.

    Personally, I prioritize the PROCESS over Performance (or progress). After a discovery I made in 2015.

    Thanks for writing and sharing this with us.

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Kweku. We would be sure to act on your helpful suggestions. Very note-worthy! Do you mind sharing the 2015 discovery? It could go a long way in helping us and other readers.

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