Five Signs You Are on the Right Path to Success


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Self-doubt is a common ailment among millennials. We often tend to wonder if we are ever going to ‘make it’ or if we are going to die trying. Truth is; many of us are doing better than we give ourselves credit for. All we need to do is exercise a lot more patience and adopt a consistent approach in our lives. It is normal to assume success is all about the fancy cars, six figure-incomes, big businesses, etc. but aside from the broad generalization, we need to define what success means to us individually. That way, we can tell if we are making a head start or if we are just rolling with the masses. Regardless of what your definition of success is, there are certain habits or signs that can determine whether or not you are heading for the win. Below are five of such signs; 

You have a SMART working goal

The most important thing step to achieving anything is having a goal. If you don’t have an idea of what you want to achieve in the long run, you wouldn’t know how to work towards it, and worst of all, you wouldn’t know when you have achieved it. This goal must however be realistic, attainable and time-bound. In simple terms, it must be SMART. If you have this, then worry less, because you have taken a step many struggle to take. You are on the right path to success.

You prioritize your health

The adage that says ‘good health is wealth’ is best understood when you fall critically ill. In that instance, your strength is gone, your appetite is lost and nothing else matters. If you prioritize your health by eating healthy, keeping fit and getting enough rest, you are setting yourself up for massive success. The rewards of good health may not be so obvious now, but once you start to grow older, you would realize that it was one of the best investments you could have made. If you are one of the few who prioritize your health, never for once doubt your place in the field of success. You are leading the pack.

You have a good network

A successful life is built on the foundation of a good network. No one sets off to be successful by themselves. It takes recommendations and approvals from people who know you(not people you know). Younger millennials are increasingly shying away from traditional networking; i.e. meeting people face to face and introducing themselves and moving ahead to nurture those relationships. They would rather send a text occasionally or meet via other digital social networking sites. There is nothing wrong with that but nothing beats the old fashioned way of networking at events and other social gatherings. Then again, as long as you build a chain of valuable networks, your success is guaranteed. The key word to remember in this instance is nurture. If you have a good network, make a conscious effort to check in once in a while. Have boundaries but don’t be a ghost in the loop. 

You have a positive attitude towards life

Challenges in life are something we are all guaranteed. How we deal with them is what sets us apart as successes or failures. Having a positive attitude helps a lot. If you are constantly in a ‘poor me’ state, you will amount to nothing. If you however rise back after each fall and carry on, then you are part of the chosen ones. This is probably one of the hardest things in life ; to keep pushing when all seems lost. If you are able to harness this virtue, count yourself lucky.

You practice consistency 

Aside from lack of purpose, one main reason people fail is because they are not consistent. The one sure way to achieve anything is doing it continuously over a period of time. People start something and stop after a short while when there are no results. Things aren’t built like that. You must keep at it till you see results, and continue to keep going till those results turn to something bigger.

Now, the above is not exhaustive of the entire signs that prove you are on your way to being successful, but if you possess any of the above, give your self some credit. It’s only a matter of time. 

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